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Internet Tools

Click on a tool. They are all free.
1. WebNameSource Tools
Whois   Look up a domain to see if it is available.
NameSpin   Spin names in combinations to find a domain name.

2. Others' Tools
Traceroute at Visualware   Map of the route to any IP you specify.
TRaceRT   Monitoring, index to many traceroute tools.
Ping at Fifi.org (Frisco)   Find out how long it takes to connect to your site (also Traceroute).
ARIN Whois   Find out who obtained an IP number from ARIN.
IP Address World   What is your own Internet IP address?
DNS Report   Get an analysis of the DNS records on a domain, including MX.
DNS Locator   How many domains does a nameserver host?
DeletedDomains   Search on your keywords for recently deleted domains you can register.
ExpireSoft   Search for expiring or recently deleted domains you can register.
Search Popularity   How popular is your domain on some search engines?

3. Site/Domain spam and related tests
SpamCop IP check   See if an IP address is on SpamCop's blacklist
OpenRBL   Check multiple blacklists, also a Whois, links to route tracing

4. Sites with Multiple Tools
DNSStuff.com   Whois, traceroute, and many other tools.
Centralops.net   Ping/Traceroute/Whois,etc.
Sam Spade Tools   Various IP/Whois/DNS tools collected at one site.
WorldsEnd Tools   Ping and Trace tools.
NetworkTools.com   Ping, Lookup, Trace tools.

5. Geographic Tools
TGN - The Getty Thesarus   Find your numeric geographic location for metatags
GeoTags   Graphical tool to locate your latitude and longditude for meta tags.
Multimap   Map tool to locate your latitude and longditude for meta tags.

6. Information
DNS.net   Information on how the DNS system works

7. Tag Generators
Refresh tag generator   Generate a redirect meta tag using the refresh command.

8. Speed Tests
Speakeasy Speed Tests   Test your upload and download speeds to various places.
PC Pitstop Tests   Test your download speed.
Internet Frog Tests   Test your upload and download speeds.
Broadband Reports   Various speed test sites are listed here.
t1 Shopper   A big list of speed test sites.

9. Programming
The Javascript Archive Network   Comprehensive source of JavaScript Open Source libraries and software
The Javascript Source   Javascripts for a variety of site effects.

From Arjay Web Services division of Arjay Enterprises and affiliate of Arjay Books