1. Atjeu offers a full line of dedicateds.
2. The base prices are for unmanaged servers (what NOCSTER calls "managed"). By this is meant that Atjeu fixes hardwarde problems and cPanel problems (per their license) but will probably charge you for most other work on an hourly or per incident basis. General server management or monitoring by Atjeu costs extra per month. WebNameHost does not manage servers.
3. If you buy a cPanel server, Atjeu and the DarkOrb/cPanel folk provide software support. In this case, you do most of the management yourself with WebHostManager, including service restarts and reboots.
4. The $25 discount is off the server setup charge, not the monthly or any other fees.
5. The discount applies to any Atjeu server.
6. Atjeu also has a no porn, no spam policy. Please read it before ordering.
7. Take careful note of optional additional costs for extra drives, memory, control panels, monitoring, management lessons, etc.
8. Atjeu has done a good job for us and WebNameHost is faclitating a sale, but neither WebNameHost nor Arjay Web Services nor any of our affiliates is responsible for any aspects of your transaction with Atjeu. Inform yourself before you buy.