- How do I change the Webalizer preferences
FTP to webnamehost.net and download the file webalizer.conf, then change the settings as desired and, again using FTP, place this file in your root directory (that is, one above the www directory). The next time the stats are run, your settings should be observed. Take special note of the ignore settings and the ones that specify how many countries to display, and so on.
- Why does my autoresponder sometimes not send anything out?
If someone sends a message to an email account with an autoresponder activated, the server will send back an automatic response. However, if the same person sends another email within a week, the autoresponder will ignore it. Otherwise suppose two people had autoresponders and one sent the other a message. The autoresponder of #2 would respond to #1, and its autoresponder would answer back, and so on. In seconds, both email boxes would be full.
- Why do I get CGI errors when running scripts I've uploaded with FrontPage?
You can't upload CGI scripts with FrontPage. Instead, upload them with an FTP client and set the permissions to be excutable by all. Otherwise, the script owner is set to httpd rather than to the account owner, and the script won't run.
- Why won't my cgi program work?
Scripts have to be uploaded in ASCII (text) mode and have the permissions set to 755 on both the script itself and the enclosing directory. The first line has to have the correct path to the interpreter, say for a perl script
- Why won't my php script work?
WebNameHost servers run php scripts under phpsuexec for better security, so php scripts and their directories must have permissions set no higher than 755, and there cannot be any php directives in your .htaccess file. Note that WebNameHost provides installers for a number of scripts, but does not support them, except for installation issues. Support has to be obtained from the maker of the script.